To web mapping, first time creating my own vector basemap. I started learn how to customize vector basemaps from the ArcGis storymap.
The Customizing Esri's Vector Basemaps:
Part 1: The Basics
Part 2: Working with Color
Part 3: Working with Lines
Part 4: Working with Labels
Part 5: Working with Sprites
The first step I did was to a create a copy layer maps of the "Community", and open both Vector Style Editor and JSON Code Editor for compare the two editor tools.
Vector Style Editor use a basic editing tool system with the quick access, layer, and color editor. On the other hand, the JSON Code Editor use the JavaScript coding language to formalize every layer and define objects as JavaScript class object with layout, color, and formation. Finally, I choose to edit my vector basemap with Vector Style Editor.
The next step, I start to edit the layer map following the storymap by beginning with the color. When editing, I choose to using the "Edit Layer Styles", and select layer (or object) by click on map for editing the color of the select layer.
Next, I edit the line layer for river and border by change to darker color and increase width.
Then, I use the quick edit to all labels text font to the "La Belle Aurore Regular".
Finally, I add a symbol to the "Icons and Patterns" menu and attached the Icons to the education label layer.
This vector basemap is a fun experience for me, and I'm still not familiar with the web mapping app.
My Vector Basemap Json File:
Nice exploration and interesting selection of styles and colors. What do you think this basemap would be useful for?