In this in this exercise, I am learning how to implement and create a real-time data map by going through the storymap "Predict weather with real-time data". The storymap exercise have two part Create a real-time map and Predict weather.
Part 1: Create a real-time map
For start, I open new map viewer and make a few bookmarks for some of the major regions. Then, I add layer Light Gray Canvas as a basemap.
Next, I start real-time data layer by using the add web service function to add the data from website.
Also, I added the active hurricane from layer the Living Atlas Layers.
Next, add Current Weather and Wind Station Data layer.
Following the storymap, I had added few real-time data layer to the map. However, the step for merge the two Current Weather and Wind Station Data layer become a issue, which I could find the merge bottom. So, I switch to map viewer classic.
From the new merged layer NOAA METAR Station Data, I make two more copy layer.
Lastly, I add two more layer from web of State County Boundaries.
Part 2 - Predict weather
I edit the NOAA METAR Temperature layer changed the style to show the counts and amounts of the temperature.
Nest, I analysis the map GOES Satellite Imagery and Current Weather and Wind Station by measure the direction of wind.
Then add and make new map notes layer marking the low/high pressure.
Next, I edit the NOAA METAR Pressure layer.
Then, I created a new NOAA METAR Dew Point Temperature Difference layer from NOAA METAR Pressure layer show the difference of low and high temperature.
Also, I simply examine the hurricanes layer.
lasty, I interpolate the NOAA METAR Temperature to make a new temperature layer.
The real-time data map is similar too normal web map, the only deafferents are data, which is live and changing all the time.
Good work. There were a lot of questions throughout to be included in the blog.