In this exercise, I am exploring the final part of the scene uses analyzing. From the article "Explore earthquakes in an underground local scene", I learn that I can create a local scene with custom data to explore and analyze the 3D map. At first, I follow the the article and create a 3D scene that analyze the Christchurch Earthquake of New Zealand.
Next, I started a new custom 3D scene of Hawaii. I implement the Hawaii CCAP Land Cover layer to scene and removed the base map.
Then, I add the data that I going to analyze, which is the World Earthquakes layer. Also, clip Hawaii as a local scene.
Next, I edit the earthquakes data, change the style of earthquakes data point to 3D object to show the size and magnitude.
Next, I implement the DOH Buildings layer at scene as analyzing point of a location on the island.
Finally, I analyze the distance of the earthquake between the department of Hawaii building.
My 3D Scene: Hawaii Earthquake, 2021
Nice work following directions and creating a scene for Hawaii!